Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Nampa Classical Academy wins another round in federal court!

Hey everyone, we just won another small win in court!

As you may recall, after the District Court ruled against us in the case and we appealed, the state officials filed a motion asking the Court to award them attorney’s fees and arguing that our claims for violations of the First Amendment were frivolous.

The District Court judge handed down an order a few minutes ago denying their motion and ruling that our claims are not frivolous. We are obviously pleased with the district court’s decision.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mom’s Homeschooling Views Work for Her Child but not for NH Judge

A home school case being argued in the New Hampshire Supreme Court  Jan.  6 is a window into the kind of subtle bias against Christianity that permeates  our modern institutions. Only, in this case it’s not even subtle.